Shared calendar on mac mail
Shared calendar on mac mail

shared calendar on mac mail
  1. #Shared calendar on mac mail how to
  2. #Shared calendar on mac mail full
  3. #Shared calendar on mac mail windows

Now one little bug I found. If you set the shared calendar permissions for a user as “Can view all details” sadly the iPhone won’t respect this permission. It will allow the user to modify the account in anyway as if the user had full access, but the server won’t adopt any of the changes. This will leave a discrepancy between what the user sees and what is actually on the server. If however you wish all the users to have full “Can Edit” access for a particular shared calendar then it will work as expected on Mac and iOS. This issue is NOT a problem on the Mac. The Mac handles all read only permissions of shared calendars properly. More on the Mac now. Once the user has accepted the shared calendar it will show up in their iOS device like so: Upon doing this an email will be sent to each user inviting them to accept the invitation. This process is necessary in order for the calendar to show up in iOS correctly. Once you have created the shared calendars you’ll see them in the O365 portal for the shared user.įor this example I have created two. “Ranch Shared” and “Store Shared”. You will need to click on the three little dots next to them to access the Sharing and Permissions options. Here is where you will add users in your organization with the respective permissions you want. Now on a Mac it’s time to create the shared calendars. Go and connect to the shared user account via Exchange in Internet Accounts (System Preferences). You will need to make sure that at least Calendars are turned on. Once you create the Shared Calendars on the Mac you’ll be able to remove the account. Why can’t you just create the accounts in the portal of O365? I have no idea…but it doesn’t work for some reason. Something is unique about the accounts when they are created from within the Mac Calendar that will allow them to be properly shared later with iOS. More on that later.

shared calendar on mac mail

Once you have done this you can go back to the admin portal to confirm your changes have propagated there. They did instantly for me.

shared calendar on mac mail

Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity -User Default -AccessRights Editor Get-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity This will show you the current permissions. Set the the common user account you are working with.

#Shared calendar on mac mail windows

Running PowerShell as Administrator on a Windows Machine: Please try again.” After a long call with O365 support apparently this issue was related to a problem in their back-end system that they couldn’t fix “immediately” and that they would “get back to me”. I was actually able to solve the problem using power shell. Those power shell commands in case you need them are as follows: Set the permissions for People in my Organization so that they “Can Edit”. Note: Now when I did this I actually got an error that said “The sharing invitation couldn’t be updated. Once you are there you will see the default calendar which is called “Calendar”:įrom there, next to the default Calendar you’ll see three little dots which allow you to enter more options, click that and select Sharing and Permissions. Once you have done that go to the calendar function: Log into the common user at  and click on the Outlook web app. You’ll need to enter the “new” outlook mode by clicking here: The common user has typically been our organizations. This user is nothing special…just a fully licensed user with normal permissions. It can even have two factor enabled to further protect the user. This will be the user that holds all of the shared calendars. I was finally able to do it and now I'd like to share that process with the internet in the hope it helps someone.

shared calendar on mac mail

#Shared calendar on mac mail how to

I have been working on trying to figure out how to use Office 365 to share calendars on the Mac and iOS properly without having to use the Outlook app.

Shared calendar on mac mail